
Cultural Performance Gala Evening to Welcome the New Year!2014.04.30

HPP’s Preschools of the Future Project and Farmers’ Clubs Project in Zhenkang County joined hands to celebrate the New Year 2014 with a Cultural Performance Gala Evening in Taozizhai Village. The festive occasion added much vibrancy to the village life while also providing an o


POF Shangri-La closure and successful handover to local village committees2014.04.30

According to the cooperation agreement between Humana People to People and Tencent Charity Foundation, HPP POF Shangri-La was initiated in November 2011. The project approaching its closure in 2013 May witnessed the hand over of all operations of 11 POFs ran by the HPP Shangri-La


CDWZ Health and Hygiene Campaign: Wanzhou Community “Clean-up” Initiative2014.04.30

Creating a sustainable and replicable poverty alleviation and development model for improving the livelihoods and living standards of China’s central and western rural populations is at the centre of the Bayer China and the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviati


Tree Planting Action: Let’s work together to mitigate Global Warming!2014.04.30

Few will contest that Global Warming and Climate Change has become of the most critical environmental issues in today’s world. Scientists forecast the devastating impact if the global temperature is to increase by one degree Celsius each 1-2 decades: an increase of 6 degrees Cel


Marching towards “Zero” HIV/AIDS2014.04.30

The HIV/AIDS epidemic has undermined family solidarity, public health and severely threatened the stability of social-economic development. As we are approaching the 26thWorld AIDS Day, Sichuan Liangshan Butuo County’s Women’s Federation and HPP Butuo TCE project office organiz


New Farmers’ Clubs in Chongqing’s Wulong District!2014.04.30

Citi Foundation and HPPC’s collaborative rural micro-enterprise development project in Wanzhou district saw a successful closure, in 2014 the project model is replicated to Wulong County of Chongqing Municipality.The project applies HPP’s sustainable community development proje


We are connected by the air we breathe: World TB Day educational event2014.04.30

3rd March 2014 is the 19th“World TB Day”. This year, China’s TB prevention theme is “let us all participate in preventing the spread of TB according to the law”.For the purpose of spreading knowledge of TB prevention and multi-drug resistant TB to China’s high risk “floati


“Community Heroes” zoom in on rural preschool education2014.04.30

HPP POF Zhenkang was privileged to take part in the second season filming of the CCTV philanthropy themed TV show “Community Heroes”. Almost 1000 students from Lincang teachers college supported HPP in getting into a symbolic formation of a young sapling, an icon awakening the


Bring warmth to New Year of “Liangshan”2014.04.30

HPP POF Butuo began its operations in 2012. A few weeks into the winter semester of 2012, project staff noticed the children were only wearing thin clothes insufficient to withstand the winter cold. They decided to launch a “warm winter” crow-funding page on Yahoo’s online phi


HPP TCE Butuo officially launches cooperation with Liangshan Prefecture STDs and AIDS Prevention Association2014.04.30

“Only the people can liberate themselves from the AIDS epidemic”, this is the underlying concept behind HPP’s Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE) project. At the end of 2013, HPP TCE Butuo in Sichuan’s Liangshan Prefecture took one further step forward: the cooperation with L


Encouraging results from Ximeng Community Nutrition Intervention Program!2014.04.30

The nutrition intervention program is part of our Healthy@Communities project in Ximeng County - a Philips sponsored integrated community development project which began its implementation at the end of 2011. The program aims at improving the nutritional conditions of children st


Chongqing Fengdu Farmers’ Clubs project receives support in subsidies from local government2014.04.30

The Fengdu Farmers’ Clubs project sponsored by Carrefour Foundation was initiated in January 2012. The project spanning a period of three years will reach three administrative villages: Honghuapo village, Baiguoyuan village and Qinggangping village in Baoluan Town. 1000 farming


Road to preschool2013.12.05

Hongyan villagers voluntarily built a road for the preschool kidsResearch shows that early childhood education has a crucial impact on the mental development of a person. In order to have a brilliant new generation in China all children should receive three years of preschool edu


HPP China’s first experience of online fundraising on Yahoo is a success2013.12.05

On January 6th, 2013, HPP China launched the Charity Event “Warm the Liangshan winter, love the kids for the New Year” on Yahoo . This online event for POF Butuo kids was a successful first experience of online fundraising.Liangshan area has an average altitude of over 2,500 me


TCE HIV Home Testing Program in Butuo2013.12.05

TCE (Total Control of Epidemic)HIV Home Testing Program in Butuo--HIV rapid test practice in China mountainous rural areaMore and more people living in rural areas of China who are living with AIDS are actually unaware of their HIV/AIDS status and then spread it to others. HPP