
Notes for AIDS control field officer2017.12.15

After more than one hour’s walk, we finally reached Naituo town, Yuexi County, the village we planned to visit today. The weather in Daliang Mountains changed quickly. It was warm at last moment but got windy and cold at next moment. It was raining heavier and heavier and blowin


Shanghai United Foundation Continues to Support the Improvement of Children’s health and nutrition in Butuo2017.10.18

“Walk for one egg” a fund raising event hosted by Shanghai United Foundation (SUF) has supported Humana People to People (HPP) Preschool of the Future (POF) projects in Zhenkang and Butuo from 2012. In 2014 and 2015, SUF supported an HPP Nutrition and Health Development project


Children in Yuexi Undergo Another Health check:2017.10.18

Every child is entitled to a healthy and active life. Usually in the rural villages it is rare that parents take their children for health checks. Normally it is when the child gets sick that the parents seek help at the medical institutions. In October 2015 Community Development


Farmers in Xundian Are Mobilized to Plant Vetiver Grass2017.10.17

Vetiver grass, a native plant of India is a type of perennial grass with far reaching roots and tall densely tufted grass blades. It has many uses but it is primarily known for its effectiveness in preventing soil and moisture loss. Vetiver grass is used for the control of erosio


Good work in POF Ximeng Brings in More Support2017.10.17

On July 14, 2017, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee Zheng Qingjiang, Deputy Secretary for Reform of County Party Committee Lu Dipeng and 2 support officials from Yunnan Agriculture Department, Wang Bin and He Yingxin visited Ximeng ‘Little Sun’ POF (Preschool of th


Embracing left behind children in POF Qichun2017.10.17

China is developing rapidly, but the economic development is uneven - some areas faster than others. In this process many young people - due to the economic situation in many poor rural areas - opt to go out and seek employment in big cities and by so doing often leave their chil


A new semester begins with a lot of activities in POF Butuo2017.10.13

Butuo County in Liangshan Prefecture is a nationally designated poverty county. Most of the people go out to other cities in search of migrant work struggling to make ends meet. Some of the people are illiterate and have little knowledge about the importance of education, seeking


An Area Leader Tells His Story in CD Yuexi2017.10.13

CD Yuexi is a Community Development (CD) project funded by Baxter International Foundation. The main purpose of the project is to improve the health of 200 children through instigating better nutrition by supporting the children’s families in small scale crop production and anim


Never losing hope is the way to go2017.10.12

Each place and each family has its own story. In Liangshan Prefecture, Butuo County, is a woman whose life changed through hope, trust and belief in the TCE Field Officer. The TCE Butuo Office staff met this woman when they visited one of the villages for monitoring and evaluatio


Never losing hope is the way to go2017.10.12

Each place and each family has its own story. In Liangshan Prefecture, Butuo County, is a woman whose life changed through hope, trust and belief in the TCE Field Officer. The TCE Butuo Office staff met this woman when they visited one of the villages for monitoring and evaluatio


Chinese Association for STD and AIDS Prevention and Control (CASA) visits Yuexi County to Monitor and Evaluate the project2017.09.29

On April 23-24, 2017, Wang Xinlun of Secretary-general, Liu Peng and Qu Meixia of of Project Leader and Xie Yong of Project Officer from CASA, Gen Ming of Vice-Representative, Wu Lanna of Project Officer from Beijing Representative Office of Bill and Melinda Foundation American v


HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Movement (Switzerland) Sichuan Representative Office Registered Sucessfully2017.09.15

On September 7, 2017, the Federation for Associations connected to the International HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Movement (Switzerland) Sichuan Representative Office was registered successfully under Sichuan Provincial Overseas NGO Management Office.On September 12,2017, Chief Repres


Joys of Being a POF Teacher2017.08.24

“The real name for Little Lulu(Xiao Lulu) is Guo Shaolu. He is one of the students in my class. When he arrived at the school I immediately noticed that he was not willing to participate in any activities. He never took the initiative to talk with others. Based on his eccentric


TCE Butuo Ends the Project In A Good Way2017.08.15

Butuo County Women Federation (‘BTWF’) TCE Butuo is a 3.5 years HIV/AIDS project operating in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The idea of the project during the 3.5 years campaign is to achieve total control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Butuo


Bringing in New Ideas to Reduce the Use of Chemicals2017.08.14

Piloting Carbon Financing Development for Community Driven Climate Smart Agriculture in Yunnan is a project which is was started with the help of Blue Moon Fund and is operating in Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County in Yunnan. It is one of the several “Farmers’ Clubs” projec