I work as a ‘Parenting and Play Instructor’ in the village

Author: Zhang Yanming, a parenting and play instructor in Longchao villageMy name is Zhang Yanming, from Longchao Village, Tengchong City.In my hometown, it is a common phenomenon that most parents choose to go out for workafter their children are born, and these children are almost completely raised by their grandparents. There are not many places for entertainment in the village, and the most common way for villagers to bring up their children

Realizing the sustainable development | Helping rural kindergartens to upgrade their grading

Author: Yin Yueyuan, PR assistantOn July 22, 2024, Tengchong Education and Sports Bureau publicized the comprehensive evaluation results of 24 kindergartens in Jietou Town, Tengchong City, among which Xiangshan Kindergarten supported by TinKaPing Foundationwas evaluated as aSecond Class Second Degreekindergarten up from Third Class First Grade.Kindergarten rating is also an important part of the Preschools of the Future project. Officially upgrad

The innovation of Damanbie Village kindergarten teachers

Article by Zhao Renhui, Kindergarten leader of Damanbie Kindergarten Since the implementation of the CoreTeacher Empowerment Project forTengchong’sRural Kindergartensin Yunnan Province, the kindergarten in Damanbie Village has undergone great changes. The kindergarten has received a variety of educational cornermaterials, including educational toys, building blocksand role-playing props. At the same time, teachers have made significant progress

Let ‘smile’ spread all over the countryside.

Article is from: Yang Rongsu, PPI from ShangmenglianIn October, 2022, the Scientific Parenting and Child Development project settled in Shangmenglian Community, Tengchong City, which set off a wave of ‘scientific parenting’in the local area, and Yang Rongsu also met a 2-year-old boy:Xiaoxiao.When she first came into contact with Xiaoxiao, Yang Rongsufound that Xiaoxiao was in a very stable mood compared with other children. He could play in the


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